To Help, Assist, And Give Guidance For You To Find Then Solve The Problem With The Most Effective Solutions. After problems come, we are obliged to instantly help, assist and give guidance for our clients to find then solve the problem with the most effective solutions. Fast respond is urgently needed in this global business environment and thus Bismark aims for giving helpful advice for the satisfaction of our clients.

General Practice
Business Law


Galery Event
News And Event

In House Training

PT Telekomunikasi Selular, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, TBK

Legal For Non Legal Profession PT. PLN (Persero) Juni - 1 Juli 2011, Pusdiklat PLN Bogor

Corporate Secretary In
House Training PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. Hotel Manhattan Jakarta, 18
November 2011

Hukum Kontrak & Negosiasi Bisnis PT. Pertamina (Persero) Batch 2 - 8 2011

Hukum Kontrak &
Negosiasi Bisnis PT. Pertamina (Persero) Batch 1 2012

International Legal Workshop Singapore, 6 -7 Maret

Public Workshop & Training

International Arbitration Workshop, 07-08 April 2005, Hotel Mulia Jakarta

International Training

Procedure & Practicum Arbitration in SIAC, 03-04 February 2006, Singapore


PT Krakatau Tirta Industri Visit Batam, Johor  & Singapore, 31 Mei – 03 Juni 2007